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Does your time management skills affect your mental health?

By: Madison Flores











What is time management?

The practice of managing and planning how to split your time between various activities is known as time management. Time management aids in work prioritization, ensuring that you have enough time to accomplish each assignment. When you're not racing to finish a project before a deadline approaches, the quality of your work improves. Some people are good at managing their time and others are not so good. 


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How does this affect your mental health? 

Having poor time management skills can have a big impact on your mental health and your mood. A measurable link between time management and an individual's mental health has been demonstrated in multiple research. Academic attainment, career performance, and overall welfare all benefit from good time management, which also reduces stress. According to the same study, the correlation between job performance and time management has been stronger over time.  Poor time management has negative consequences that affect every element of your life, causing a range of stressors. Feeling as though you have too much to accomplish and not enough time to complete it can cause a lot of stress. Procrastination, or squandering time on non-essential activities, can lead to increased stress, especially if the acts have negative implications, “When you have less time to deal with what’s essential, the stress and anxiety to perform at work can weigh you down,” explained Levendusky. “Those who struggle with time management are more likely to experience stress, sleep issues, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. According to the CDC, sleep deprivation can be just as harmful as alcoholism, and it can also lead to other health problems. Patients with sleep difficulties were more likely to have issues with time management, particularly in terms of time control and efficacy. They may also start to exhibit symptoms of workplace burnout.” Stress can have both bad and beneficial consequences on your productivity and well-being, depending on its degree and frequency. Stress can be reduced or increased depending on how you manage your time

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The benefits of time management and how to strengthen your skills

Effective time management can contribute to feelings of accomplishment and effectiveness. You will be more effective if you manage your time properly. Instead of multitasking, you concentrate on one thing at a time for a set amount of time. This manner, you give it your all, which allows you to achieve your objectives more quickly. Proper time management also allows you to set aside adequate time to conduct research or seek assistance in completing the assignment. One of the most prevalent reasons why students procrastinate is a lack of knowledge on how to approach a task. You can do your work on time if you manage your time wisely. This instills in you a sense of self-assurance and accomplishment in your talents. Completing a big to-do list can elicit similar sensations, and it can serve as a drive to improve your time management abilities.  In order to better your time management you need to  set aside any time to do your task, you must first narrow down what you need to complete and prioritize it. Make a list of everything you need to accomplish. This will assist you in arranging them in ascending order of significance. You can easily get overwhelmed if you have to tackle a massive project at once.You should break the tasks down day by day.  In conclusion, Working smarter, not harder, is how efficient time management allows you to finish things with minimal effort and make the most of your time.

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