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Each week our company gets together to discuss a certain topic!

Check out what's on our minds!​

Digital social media


Social Media

In this podcast by Brainwave Teen Psychology, teens discuss their experiences and observations of social media's effects on their mental health and the world around them. Listen to hear our opinions on Instagram, anxiety, Taylor Swift, and the debate of doors vs wheels!


Exam Impressions

Today we discussed our current study habits and thoughts on school and upcoming AP's. We will return after testing and let you know what habits and study plans worked for us!

Students Taking Exams
School's out


End of Year Thoughts

We discuss our after exam thoughts, impressions from AP exams and advice from upperclassmen.


Looking Back on Covid and Virtual Living

In this episode, we discuss the beginning and end of quarantine, online learning, and other elements of the pandemic. Hear us talk about what our social life looked like then, how the shift back to in-person school felt, and some of our obsessions while we were cooped up. Is society healing? Listen to BrainTalks now!

Face Mask


The Queer Side of Mental Health

Happy Pride Month! On Brainwave's 5th Episode, we cover being queer and its overlaps with mental health. We discuss the queer experience from middle school to high school, some shared (and contrasting) experiences, and we also touch on the necessity of an accepting community for teens our age to come out. Our founder also recommends barking at homophobic people (5-star advice)! Listen now!


​Fears and Anxieties: The Scary Stuff w/ASPIREMentalHealth

 In this special podcast collaboration with ASPIREMentalHealth, we discuss our fears and anxieties and their effects on our everyday mental health. Everything from spiders and the dark to the bigger stuff like social situations and being judged by the people around us. Don't fear! Our Brainwave Interns and our buddies from ASPIRE give tips, tricks, and inspiring stories that could help you face your fears and cope with your anxieties. Listen now!!

Holding Hands


​Relationships, Romance, and Red Flags

In this episode of BrainTalks, we talk about relationships and dating! First, we hit on the way social media glamorizes relationships and creates false expectations about them before moving into the more ignored (but normal) aspects of love and relationships: anxiety and fear. We also spend some time on teen dating culture and the dreaded talking stage.

We promise that this isn't just a hate session on relationships, there are lots of great and fulfilling parts too! Listen now!

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