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Does Money Really Buy Happiness?

The Consequences Of Money On Humanity

By: Shriya Navneetha

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The idea of money is one of the most important necessities in life. It is known to fuel members of a society with a better and more successful life. But what if, in reality, wealth hurt society more than it helped? This is something humanity is faced with daily. Mental health has been linked to wealth in many scenarios. There are countless people from both groups: affluent and un-wealthy, who have been affected by the anxiety money creates. In society, the idea of money exists as a representation of the key to happiness, but in truth, it results in anxiety and stress, regardless of social class. 

The working class continuously faces large amounts of stress due to their need for money. Dealing with a constant concern over money can leave people unstable, "Feeling beaten down by money worries can adversely impact your sleep, self-esteem, and energy levels. It can leave you feeling angry, ashamed, or fearful, fuel tension and arguments with those closest to you, exacerbate pain and mood swings, and even increase your risk of depression and anxiety" (Robinson and Smith, M.A., 2021). In such a class, having loads of work and having the burden of constant worries can lead to many mental health problems. With the constant stress they have, they become more likely to suffer. Additionally,  mental health problems make it even harder to focus on the task. Although money is what is known to give a person the best life, in reality, it can leave people overwhelmed and in lots of pain. It can also leave one in the feeling of nothingness; "Studies have long established that feelings of powerlessness and helplessness weaken the immune system, making one more vulnerable to physical and mental ailments" (Public Affairs, UC Berkeley, 2014)". When society deals with financial stress, it can leave them feeling hopeless. As this feeling promotes mental health problems: depression, this stress on the body can also result in medical problems. It is much easier for one with such burdens to develop mental illnesses and disorders. The idea of money is not always beneficial. It comes with many consequences, negative to humanity as a whole.


Regardless of class, even the privileged have stress and anxiety resulting from money. Those with lots of money also encounter the problem of retrieving items of high-class and wealth, "the ceaseless striving for wealth and material possessions that may lead to unhappiness. Materialistic values have even been linked with lower relationship satisfaction" (Gregoire, 2018). Although wealthy people do not face the problem of striving for money, they do still suffer from mental health problems from finances. With the amount of money in their possession, they are more likely to have higher expectations for their quality of life. They will also be less satisfied with what they have in life, leading to more mental health problems. They will never be satisfied with what they have, which will increase anxiety and disorders. Subsequently, "The more you spend to impress others, the less money you have left to spend on the things that provide you fulfillment. Spending to impress is a surefire way to live a miserable life." (Lefort, 2020). People who have the money sometimes lead to spending money to impress. While doing this may boost someone's self-esteem, it stops them from focusing on what they really need. This can lower the quality of life, which may result in more mental health disorders. The feeling of being incomplete will cause greater distress. This elaborates that money doesn't buy happiness; it actually can result in the opposite. 

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Money is not always beneficial; in fact, it can lead to many hardships. Increasing rates of mental health disorders are found to be commonly related to finance. This distress actually ranges from a wide group of people. The idea of money is usually seen as a necessity to a good life, but in many cases, the before and after results in negative and mental distress. 

Works Cited

Beirne Wealth.“ 6 Common Financial Stress Triggers and How to Overcome Them.” Beirne Wealth Consulting Services, LLC, 2020,


Gregoire, Carolyn. “How Money Changes the Way You Think and feel2.” Greater Good, 2014,


LeFort, Ben. “Why Money Makes You Miserable & What to Do about It.” Ben Le Fort, Ben Le Fort, 12 June 2020, it#:~:text=The%20things%20people%20spend%20money,%2C%20by%20design%2C%20very%20expensive.&text=Money%20is%20a%20zero%2Dsum,to%20live%20a%20miserable%20life.  

Public Affairs, UC Berkeley| December 9, and Public Affairs. “Wealth, Power or Lack Thereof at Heart of Many Mental Disorders.” Berkeley News, 6 Mar. 2017,  


Robinson, Lawrence, and Melinda Smith. “Coping with Financial Stress.”, 24 May 2022, financial stress.htm#:~:text=Feeling%20beaten%20down%20by%20money,risk%20of%20depression%20and%20anxiety.  


Sherman, Spencer, et al. “A Practice to Diffuse Financial Stress.” Mindful, 25 Jan. 2022,

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