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Weekly Blog Posts





Weekly Blog Posts


Week 4

Week 2

Week 5

Week 3

End of Session

Weekly Blog Posts


Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Session 1 Week 1
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Week 01

Summer break is starting, pride month has begun, and Brainwave has fresh interns! It has been an eventful week. From holding an orientation and mental health check in to uploading another podcast episode, the week of May 30th to June 4th has been a crazy and fun time. Keep reading to be filled in on all our shenanigans!


Quick Recap Week 1 (May 30-June 4):


Here are some notable things that happened in Brainwave’s first week of June:


  • 1st Summer Internship session started this week, welcome to all our summer interns!

  • A Mental Health check-in took place on Sunday, thank you to those who came! If you were unable to make it, no worries! While we don’t currently have another check-in planned, be sure to follow us on social media for updates!


Testimonials from Summer Interns:

Hear from some Summer Interns on how their time in Brainwave is going!


My time so far in brainwave has been excellent. Although I was worried I'd be confused due to the internship being online, the company is very organized and I had many people that answered my questions and made things clear for me. I am excited to continue on!

-Florence, Webinar Management

  • I have been a part of Brainwave for a little less than a week and I am already so impressed. The community at Brainwave has made a wonderful, welcoming environment and although I don’t really know anyone here yet I know I will have so many opportunities to make new friends. I like the balance of productivity and socialization that Brainwave ha I’ll s developed and the organization that admin are working hard to maintain. I already feel like a part of this community and I am looking forward to working with them this summer!

-AnnaSophia, Educational Research in Mental Health

Important Dates: 

Social Media:

  • Our most recent postings were about Pride Month and World Narcissistic Abuse Day, click here and here to check them out!

  • Follow our instagram @brainwavepsych to stay updated on the latest about Brainwave!  



    Last month was May, which was AAPI Heritage Month!

















     It is June, which is LGBTQ+ Pride Month. Happy Pride!!


















Pictures from Meetings:




















Here is a picture from our Summer Intern Orientation!

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Week 02

June 5th - 11th 

Summer is in full swing and our new interns have begun their journeys with Brainwave! We have had another successful and eventful week. 

Our podcast has a new episode discussing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health. With this episode, we hope to curate discussions and offer first person perspectives of youth during a challenging time.

 Listen Now: Ep. 4 Looking Back on Covid and Virtual Living:


Quick Recap Week 1 (June 5-11):


Notable Mentions: 

  • Our 2nd summer internship session began this week and interns have been placed in their designated departments with intro tasks. 

  • June 9th: Brain workshop was held along with a presentation and activities to highlight a mental health topic 

  • After reviewing 25+ applications, Paul Pascual has been promoted to assistant social media director. 

  • June 11th: Brainwave hosted a weeked inclusion event for the organization members as well as followers. 

Brainwave has received an influx of summer interns since the second summer internship started and the interns have been situated in their respective roles. Five eager interns including Florence, Twisha, Emma, Lawrence, and Guari will be working on the new and interesting Brain Project! On June 9th, one of the summer interns, Florence, from the Webinar Management Department created a presentation on the brain as a workshop. The workshop included a game of Kahoot and a reward of a $10 gift card and the lucky winner was another summer intern, Twisha. This was a part of Brainwave’s focus on neuroscience this month. Additionally, Brainwave has been looking for an Assistant Social Media Director, and after more than 25 applications, Paul Pascual has been given the promotion with his impressive video and outstanding social media skills. On June 11th, Brainwave hosted an inclusion event in which there was a mukbang and a fun game of two truths and a lie.


National News:

  1. The 988 mental health hotline will launch on July 16, 2022 for those in emotional distress or a suicide crisis. 

    1. Sources: 



The mental health hotline, equivalent to 911, 988, will be available to American citizens starting July 16, 2022. The hotline intends to direct callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to receive professional counseling and connections to any necessary resources. The new hotline projects to be beneficial for those dealing with a mental health crisis, especially due to the surge of mental health cases during the pandemic. But some professionals have found issues with the upcoming hotline. Ryan McBain, a RAND policy researcher, believes that while there'll be a surge of calls once the hotline is available, there's also the issue of a lack of local services to be able to refer. Another problem, such as the inability to text the hotline, has been pointed out since many teenagers and young adults prefer texting. While the hotline may have some shortcomings, professionals such as Dr. Robert Trestman, chair of the American Psychiatric Association's Council on Healthcare Systems and Financing, find that 988 will ultimately benefit those in need of mental health resources. 988 is a stepping stone to destigmatizing mental health outreach.


Social Media:

  • Our most recent postings were about cancer awareness and aphasia

  • Follow our instagram @brainwavepsych to stay updated on the latest about Brainwave!  


Last Sunday, June 5, 2022 Brainwave commemorated Cancer Surviror’s Day. Cancer Survivor’s Day is an annual celebration of life to honor those who have survived cancer survivors and their friends and families. Prevalence of cancer ranges from approximately 5.5 percent of the population in the US. Cancer Survivor’s Day is a time to raise awareness of cancer and how it affects their lives. In additon, Brainwave also posted to raise National Aphasia awareness. Aphasia is a communication disorder that impairs a person's ability to process language in over 2,000,000. Aphasia is often a result of brain damage caused by a severe head trauma, a tumor, or an infection and affects the ability to speak, write, and communicate. 


















Thanks for reading, look out for Brainwave’s next weekly blog post on Sunday!

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Session 1 Week 2

Week 03

June 13th - 17th 

We had another amazing week here at Brainwave! This week's events revolved around celebrating Pride Month - Happy Pride!! We hosted two workshops that educated team members on history, vocabulary, etc! Special shoutout to Mihika and the Diversity and Inclusion Department for hosting these events. We also launched another episode of our podcast, “BrainTalks”. 

In addition, the Brainwave retreat for this year is now official! It will be held from July 15th to July 18th. During this special weekend, our team members will also be celebrating Brainwave’s 1 year Anniversary. This retreat will also mark the first in-person event since the start of Brainwave. 


Random Question of the Day

On Thursday, our “Random Question of the Day” was “What’s your hot take”. Team members shared their controversial opinons on our channel sharing answers such as:

  • “Ketchup on mashed potatoes”

  • “Taylor Swift is overrated”

  • “Heating up the milk before putting cereal on top”


Facts from the LGBTQ+ Workshops

In honor of Pride Month, we wanted to highlight some of the information discussed in the LGBTQ+ workshop led by Mihika. She covered three main topics: Sexualties, Gender and Pronouns. Throughout the presentation, Mihika shared some of the key vocabulary words to educate our team about the LGBTQ+ community:



  • Pansexual: someone attracted to all genders

  • Homesexual: (commonly called “gay”) someone who is attracted to the same gender


  • Androgyny: gender expression having both masculine and feminine qualities

  • MTF: term for someone transitioned from male to female 

  • FTM: term for someone transitioned from female to male


  • Preferred pronouns: set of pronouns that someone would like others to use when referring to them (Example: she/her, he/him, they/them)


The Diversity and Inclusion Department also hosted an informative presentation on Friday. They shared a brief history about the LGBTQ+ community in the United States and discussed some of the mental health issues as a result of coming out. They also focused on the history of activists, like Marsha P. Johnson, and how they helped fight for the LGBTQ+ community.


Key points from the presentation: 

  • 1969 (Stonewall Riots): transformed the liberation movement and furthered the desire for greater equality within the LGBTQ+ movement.

  • 1970 (First Pride March): New York activists gathered around the city and held the first pride parade which recalled the events at Stonewall
















The fourth episode of Brainwave’s podcast released on June 14. This episode consists of discussions of the beginning and end of quarantine, online learning and more. Along with how that period of time has changed us mentally and emotionally regarding social life and the abrupt shift back to normalcy. 

















Brainwave will be having its various departments presenting projects on topics such as Dementia, Migraines, and Exercise. The Communications department will be focusing on Schizophrenia regarding the symptoms, how it affects the brain, its relation to mental health and more in depth analysis of Schizophrenia.


Here are some pictures from Mihika’s amazing Presentation on Wednesday:
















And here are some pictures from our wonderful Diversity and Inclusion department’s lesson/presentation on June 17th:


History of the LGBTQ+ community

























Thanks for reading this week’s blog post! Be sure to lookout for next weeks and follow our Instagram @brainwavepsych to stay updated with the latest at Brainwave!

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Session 1 Week 3

Week 04

June 20th - 26th 

Here at Brainwave, we had yet another eventful week! This week included Inclusion Events and Webinars with special guest speakers. We kicked off the week with an Inclusion event for National Yoga Day. Members performed yoga exercises over Google Meet, and Christina iced a cake! On Thursday, we had a webinar with a PTSD counselor, Dr. Brown, put together by Florence. We were also informed about Nutrition and the Brain during our webinar on Friday. Finally, we wrapped up the week with a meeting and another Inclusion Event.















As we near the end of the month, Brainwave continues to thrive every single week! This week was also filled with many advancements on current projects, including the release of Episode 5 of our “Braintalks” podcast. Summer interns have also had time to complete their team building projects, and are getting closer and closer to sharing what they have worked on with all of Brainwave! Our very own Communications department will be presenting about Schizophrenia, so be on the lookout for that!


Weekly Webinars

Our PTSD Webinar on Thursday provided insight into what PTSD is and how it affects those who struggle with it. Dr. Brown explained how PTSD is short for post-traumatic stress disorder and the psychological and emotional effects it can have on a person. Symptoms of PTSD include being easily startled, overly defensive, overwhelming guilt, and self-destructive behaviors. Dr. Brown also addressed the psychotherapies available for PTSD, such as EMDR. EMDR is a safe approach to helping traumatized patients, through images, thoughts, and sensations related to their emotional trauma. 


Our Nutrition and The Brain Webinar on Friday provided insight into what foods are good for your brain versus which ones are not so great for brain health. Arya explained how healthy fats like avocados and salmon are great for the brain, while processed foods like chips and soda are detrimental to brain health. We also talked about our favorite healthy and unhealthy foods. Answers included ice cream for unhealthy foods and spinach for healthy foods. 


Podcast Updates

Episode 5 of the Braintalks podcast was released this Wednesday. Hosted by Ria and Hattie, Brainwave members went into deep thought on topics revolving around Pride Month and the LGBTQ community. The Podcast also explained how it is crucial to accept teenagers who are coming out, as it truly does put a strain on mental health if people do not feel welcomed. To top it all off, our amazing founder gave thoughtful advice to bark at homophobic people! Click here to listen in:


Episode 6 was recorded this week, and the topic was about Fears and Anxieties. Another youth organization, aspirementalhealth, worked in collaboration with us for this episode! The episode is set to release sometime next week, so stay on the lookout!







Questions of the Day

Our Question(s) of the Day, asked by the diversity and inclusion department in our random channel, were fun as always. One question was, “If you could permanently move to any country, what would it be?”, which was asked by Deveshi. Responses included East Asian countries such as South Korea and Japan, along with European countries such as France and Switzerland. Others also responded with Canada and Brazil. Another question, asked by Twisha, was, “What's one movie/show you like better than the book(s) and vice versa?” Brainwave apparently loves the Percy Jackson books much more than the movies, as multiple responses mentioned the series. Other responses of the book being better than the movie included “The Hate You Give” and “Love, Simon”.


Summer Intern Team Building Project

The summer interns at Brainwave have had the last couple of weeks to work on their team building projects! Each department’s interns worked together to research a different mental health area or disorder and make their own informative presentations on them. All groups have finished their presentations, and will begin presenting their presentations starting Sunday, June 26th. Here is the schedule of the presentations (all presentations will be at 8pm est):

ERMH (1)- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Sunday, June 26th)

Diversity & Inclusion- Dementia (Monday, June 27th)

Graphic Design- Aphasia (Tuesday, June 28th)

Social Media- Exercise for Mental Health (Wednesday, June 29th)

Communications- Schizophrenia (Thursday, June 30th)

Webinar Management- Migraines and Headaches (Friday, July 1st)

ERMH (2)- Strokes vs Seizures (Saturday, July 2nd)


Thanks for reading this week’s blog post! Follow the instagram @brainwavepsych to stay up to date on the latest news about Brainwave, and make sure to read the next blog post next week!


Written By: Saddiq Rupani, Ria Bonoan, and Twisha Thote

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Week 01

July 18 - July 24

With a new round of interns, this week at Brainwave has been quite an adventure! This week has been a hard adjustment for our new interns as they get the swing of the new routine. 

 For the first portion of the week, departments had their first meeting. Then, we had a Webinar on Wednesday with Christopher Morley, a correctional psychologist. Not to mention it was our Founder & Supervisor’s Birthday on July 19! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAYDEN!! **We appreciate all that you do for us** To finish it off the long week, we had a Get to Know Me Presentation on Saturday. 

With the second week quickly approaching and the new set of interns settling in, we want to wish you the best of luck! Although Session 2 has just started, it will be over in a flash, so enjoy while you can. 


Weekly Webinars


This week we had the pleasure of hosting a Webinar with Christopher Morley, a

correctional psychologist and founder of Correctional Psychology Associates in

Colorado, who focuses on community corrections. He spoke about his profession,

including specific experiences and clients he has had, things he has learned, and

advice he has for others thinking about going down the same career path. 

     Although Mr. Morley did not originally intend to go into this career, he now has

realized that this can be his way of making small differences in lots of people’s

lives, which he believes is the best way to make a big difference in making the

world a better place, especially for his children. He discussed that it is important

for correctional psychologists to remember that we are all responsible for the

choices we make everyday, but also that we are shaped by our genes and our

environment. That is why Mr. Morley believes criminals cannot just be looked at as bad people but they also

need to be held responsible for their actions despite people’s empathy for them. They may not be able to

change the past, but they have control of the choices they make in the future. As a correctional psychologist,

he has learned that he needs to be there to help people, but also realize that they make their own choices,

so he needed to lower his expectations of how much influence he could have on people. Whether people

make mistakes or make decisions that align with their values, they will learn something either way. 

In addition to offering insight, he explained how correctional practices have evolved over time into now

focusing on restoration, in which we recognize that offenders are constituents of the community and that

we should work to assimilate them back into it. Furthermore, he explained the large gap between jail and

prison and that community corrections, the main focus of his work, works to fill that gap by helping offenders

transition back into society with supervision. The level of supervision will depend on an offender’s level of risk,

which takes into account the severity of the crime they committed and whether or not they are a repeat


Community corrections seems to have the most impact on lowering recidivism because it acknowledges the

fact that learning is context-dependent. This means that it is best to put offenders in the setting where their

problem behavior happened in the past, giving them the chance to make a different, better decision.

Mr. Morley explained the LSI that measures the big eight needs, which are the most common things that

make people commit crime. He clarified that most offenders have morals, they just have trouble adhering to

them when they are in difficult situations. Therefore, it is important to target the criminogenic need and work to

change the events that occur right before the crime. This works to reduce recidivism. In the end, he articulates

that he feels that less than one percent of those he has worked with are actually irredeemable, the majority are

just people like you and me.


Deep Dive into Webinar Management


On this week’s Deep Dive, we have drumroll please…WEBINAR MANAGEMENT! We will be discussing the logistical and fun sides to the department. 

First off, what is Webinar Management? The department’s main job is reaching out to health care professionals to guest speak at one of our webinars/workshops. In addition, they plan out every last detail to ensure that the workshop is interactive and knowledgeable for Brainwave! These workshops are created to provide an enriching experience for the community and to teach others about the importance of mental health. Siya Patel, Webinar Management Director, and Florence Wang, Recruitment Specialist & Webinar Management Member, explain a bit further into what they do: 

Siya Patel (she/her), Webinar Management Director: In the webinar management department, we work to find a variety of guest speakers who can host webinars about topics related to psychology and the brain! These webinars are for members both in and outside of Brainwave & are always filled with lots of great information and fun interactive activities! So far, we've had a webinar hosted by a forensic psychologist, a PTSD Counselor, and even a sports psychologist! Besides organizing and planning webinars, we also work to plan and organize various fun, short, and interactive workshops. So far we've had workshops about managing anxiety and stress, time management, and most recently psychological perspectives!


Florence Wang (she/her), recruitment specialist + webinar management team member: In webinar management, we plan workshops and webinars. Workshops are presentations hosted by members of the team, and are usually more casual. For example, I have Kahoots with cash prizes at my webinars which always lead to some intense competition. Christina hosted a jeopardy workshop that was also fun. For webinars, we contact guest speakers. This can be challenging and annoying since a lot of people don't respond to emails, but it is great hearing from actual professionals.


However, the process can be quite stressful to organize a workshop since finding a perfect speaker is difficult. Typically, the emails that are sent out can range from a three-hundred character count to a formal format. It is pretty common that our Webinar Management Team receives no replies from those they reached out to. Despite the struggles, it is very fulfilling for those in the department when one member finds a speaker. 

Now let’s hear from a couple members of Webinar Management to discuss what their overall experience is like being a part of the department: 


 Christina Huang (she/her), Summer Coordinator & Orientation Officer, Webinar Management Member: The webinar department’s work is very individualized in terms of emailing speakers and creating our workshops but our department’s connection is still strong! We like to discuss ideas about what professionals to bring to speak with Brainwave as well as bounce ideas around for workshop topics and activities. We get our work done but also goof around and have fun as a department! Webinar is a very supportive department, we get excited when one of us gets a reply from a potential speaker, we cheer each other on for our workshops, and we work together to create an educational environment for Brainwave. 


Shaurik Mukhopadhyay(he/him), Associate Director Webinar Management:The department is very inclusive, I feel that Siya and many other interns make it a place to have fun and also guide our efforts. I feel that everyone is proactive whether that be on where they are at or any help needed. Overall Webinar Development is just an amazing team to work with!


Thanks to our Webinar Management team for helping organize our informational webinars/workshops! Tune in next time on Deep Dive. 



This week is the first of many Session 2 Summer Intern Podcasts! We dove right into the topic of

how school affects a person’s mental wellbeing. The hosts of the podcast this week included Ria

Bonoan, Daria Hernandez, as well as Joanne Kim. Our new Communications Summer Session 2

Interns worked with Ria to create this podcast and all together they did a great job! As the summer

is progressing, we are creating more podcast episodes and this week we discussed school and

the impact it has on our mental health. AP classes and the added stress of success as well as

competition between classmates can be harmful to a student. This week we also dove into how

the STEM programs are heavily encouraged but there is rarely space for the arts and humanities.

Listen today!


Questions of the Day and Inclusion Events


This week’s questions for the day were eventful as always! “Cats vs. Dogs?” Brainwave is definitely a group

of cat people! Although we had some debate, the majority of us Brainwavers are on the side of cats! This

Thursday we introduced a new question which sparked some heavy debate- are hotdogs a sandwich??

Well, Brainwave definitely has lots of opinions on this question because we started pulling out references

from the dictionary! Heated debates went down and then people started asking about tacos and ice cream

sandwiches. The random channel was exploding with crazy ideas and questions started by our Diversity and

Inclusion Department.

Our inclusion event this week was Would You Rather! Who knew such a little game we used to play as

children could cause so much tension within the company. Our questions ranged from "would you rather

have no toes or no fingers," to something as simple as "never listen to music again or only listen to one song

for the rest of your life." Not only did we have debates on the answers, we definitely learned a lot about our

employees and new summer interns.




“About Me” Summer Intern Project


On Saturday we got to learn a little bit more about all of Brainwave’s summer

interns! Each intern was asked to make a slide giving a few facts about themselves

to share with the group at our meeting on Saturday. It turns out that we have a lot

of K-pop and theater lovers! In addition, favorite books, favorite TV shows, hobbies,

and pets were among the most common fun facts interns shared about themselves.

Some people even incorporated fun games, such as Two Truths and a Lie, into their


This project worked to break the ice and form relationships between summer interns.

The meeting provided a platform for us to share a little bit about ourselves, allowing

us to find people with similar interests to us and build connections with them. Thus,

fostering a sense of community and creating a welcoming atmosphere in which

interns feel they can be authentically themselves. Interns will also feel much more comfortable working together with everyone here at Brainwave and will help each other to be the most productive they can possibly be!


Thanks for reading this week’s blog post! Follow the instagram @brainwavepsych to stay up to date on the latest news about Brainwave, and make sure to read the newest blog post every week!


Written By: Janet Kim, Julia McDonagh, Yasmeen Abunasrah and Cadance Hughes

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Session 2 Week 1

July 25 - July 31

This week at Brainwave, our Session 2 interns dove into new tasks and fun activities! From conducting movie nights to recording podcast episodes, interns were constantly presented with new opportunities and challenges that have brought us closer together over the course of the week. 

We started the week off with working on department jobs, and getting the

new interns acclimated to the routine. Throughout the week, we were asked

many questions of the day. We also had a socratic seminar on Friday, where

there was a discussion about a somewhat common phenomenon: couples

looking similar to each other. On Saturday, the Diversity and Inclusion

department held a movie night, where interns joined and had fun watching

The Incredibles 1 and 2. Finally, we ended the week with a workshop on Sleep

held by Arya. Overall, it was an extremely fun-filled, eventful week at Brainwave!




Sleep Workshop


This week we held our very first Session 2 workshop on sleep led by Arya!

In her presentation we learned that sleep is essential for our survival as it

allows our nervous system to work properly and that a lack of sleep can lead

to impaired physical performance. She also discussed the four sleep stages

that include three non-REM stages and one REM stage. Although we cycle

through the four sleep stages multiple times throughout the night, the REM

stage gets longer the closer we get to waking up. Dreams were also an

important topic that was brought up and we learned that everyone dreams

for around two hours each night… even people who claim to not have dreams!

Relating back to mental health, poor mental health can lead to insomnia or trouble sleeping and psychotic development can have consequences such as poor sleep that lead to heart disease and depression. We all know that undersleeping has terrible consequences… but did you know that oversleeping also has relations to depression, heart disease, and obesity?

We wrapped up the workshop by sharing some of the crazy dreams we have had and you will not believe the dreams we heard! From being stuck in a room with an animal, to lucid dreaming, to being put into a washing machine by her dad, to missing a meeting at Brainwave and being fired. What a way to kick off our first workshop of the session! Everyone had a great time laughing about the interesting dreams we’ve had and we can’t wait to see what our next workshop will be about!

Lastly, here are some tips for getting a good night’s sleep:

  • Set a schedule for yourself

  • Exercise for 20-30 mins before bed (but make sure it's at least a couple hours before your bedtime)

  • Take time to relax before bed with a nice warm shower or soothing music

  • Avoid caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol before bed

  • Don’t just lie in bed (if you can’t fall asleep, do something else before trying again!)

  • Create a good sleeping environment for yourself by dimming the lights and making sure it’s quiet


Movie Night Inclusion Event and QOTD


Yet another eventful week with our Diversity and Inclusion department! This week we

were asked some crazy questions such as, “What’s your biggest fear/phobia?” Some

responses included “Elevators”, “leaving a door into the house open, the fear that bugs

will get into the house and haunt me at 3 am.”, and “trypophobia”. Another question

asked was “if you could eat one meal for every breakfast, lunch and dinner, what would

you eat?”. Responses included “noodles :D”,and “breakfast: pancakes. lunch: garlic and oil

 tortellini. dinner: pork chop and mashedpotatoes”. We love seeing the variety of responses

in QOTD’s! 

Additionally, we decided to take a break, grab some popcorn or any snack and sit

back and relax. On top of the extremely random daily questions, our Diversity and

Inclusion department decided to host another movie night! However this one took a

lot longer considering we turned it into a little marathon and watched incredibles 1 & 2.

And to be honest, Violet is the literal representation of our generation, but personally

Frozone definitely represents me as a person!




This week marked the second of many Session 2 Summer Intern Podcasts! Who knew

so much could happen in the span of a 35-minute recording? Our employees and

interns discussed gender roles in today's society and their effect on mental health. The

hosts of this week's podcast were Julia McDonagh and Ria Bonoan. Automatically, you

would think that the topic wasn't really that interesting and couldn't be talked about for

a long, but I was proven completely wrong to be honest. They talked about a variety of

different topics such as men going into what's known as “fields for women” such as

nursing, toxic masculinity, society’s portrayal of women, and a little bit about different

actors and their roles in tv shows, which honestly wasn't the first thing that came to my

head when I thought about gender roles…Make sure to tune in today!



Deep Dive Into Educational Research in Mental Health 


On this week's Deep Dive we have Educational Research in Mental Health, wooohooooo. Kind of a mouthful for a really straightforward department, but that's okay because our interns publish some really good articles. We’re going to go into different aspects of ERMH and get opinions/info from our lovely interns and our oh-so-lovely director. 

To start off, what even is ERMH?  Educational Research in Mental Health is a research-oriented department at Brainwave involving research articles and long-term projects. These articles and projects, created exclusively by high school students, surround mental health topics, urgent news, and are available on Brainwave's website. Korinne Hennelly, ERMH director goes a bit more into what she does:

Korinne Hennelly (she/her) ERMH director: “I still remember the day where it all started: Jayden asks me to stay a little longer after the Head-Admin meet and asks if I would like to be the Director of a new department that he has been wanting to start for a while. From that night forward ERMH began and not only started to grow itself, but our company and friendships as well! I am very proud to say that we are the largest department at Brainwave filled with highly selected and very talented individuals. Everyone in Head-Admin likes to joke around saying that it is a lot of work but from the feedback that my team gives, it is just right for an Educational Research internship. During the 7-week session, one can expect to write 3 articles (2 weeks given to complete) and complete a Long-term Research Project which takes 5 weeks to complete. My goal for ERMH is to create a very welcoming environment for everyone to feel comfortable in expressing and writing about the topics they are most interested in. I feel like you not only get that rewarding feeling in yourself but that some of our articles have also been chosen to be published on other sites besides Brainwave! Overall I am so very proud of what we have accomplished so far and I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish in the future!”

Awwww, how cute. From the short time that I've watched a couple of meetings, she can definitely choose unique topics that are for sure. Their most recent one was taking 10 pictures about whatever they can find and writing about it, and honestly..I have no idea how she does it. 


Now let's make some noise for some of the interns and Brainwave employees that actually have to write these amazing articles: 

Yuktha Vemula (she/her) ERMH summer intern: “It's been really fun and pretty chill. Korinne gives us a lot of free range with the articles and stuff, which definitely helps me feel more passionate about what I’m working on since it revolves around my interests. Also, all the calls are def pretty fun cause Pishoy, Korinne, and the occasional Yasmeen really try to get everyone involved and interact with each other despite the hindrances of an online platform.” 

Wow, getting to write about what you’re passionate about while also having fun with department members sounds amazing! It has definitely been harder to connect with department members due to this internship being entirely online but it is surprising to see how many different ways there are to connect and have fun on online platforms as well. ERMH definitely seems like a marvelous department to be a member of!

Rose Yu (she/they) ERMH summer intern: “In the ERMH department, we are mainly working on our own articles. We each write an article about any topic we want as long as it is psychology related. We are turning in our articles today, and we are all looking forward to publishing them!” 

Yay, it’s so exciting that the ERMH interns get to see their articles published soon and it’s even more special because they get to choose their own topics! It looks like Rose has really been working hard to put this together and I can’t wait to read all about irrational belief in her article!

Cadance Hughes (she/her): “In Educational Research in Mental Health, I write a lot of articles for the website. I really love this department because I get to write about anything I want to. We have free range over any topics in mental health which I think helps us express ourselves more and it generally makes the department more fun to be in. I've been in ERMH since I joined Brainwave and since the department was created. Besides Korinne, I have been in the department the longest and I truly love the community we have created there because I have met so many friends through the department. Our director, Korinne, is so helpful and I can always go to her with any questions or concerns. about the workload or anything else! I really enjoy my time in ERMH because it's a great family and everyone supports each other!”. 

I love seeing Cadance's love for the department and the freedom she enjoys within it! You can really tell that she has a lot of passion for the department, having been in it for so long, and really enjoys working in it!

Sudeep Orvoy (he/him): “Currently in the ERMH department, we have just finished writing our first article - I chose to write about how the Like Button on Instagram affects Self-Perception in Teenagers. This week, we are also going to be starting our long term research project! It's been super fun because I get to work on what I like and write articles about what I'm passionate about. Everyone is also super friendly and the meetings are super fun and lighthearted.”

Love to see Sudeep’s involvement in the department! You can really tell he loves working within it, and is passionate about what he writes. 


Make sure you check out our website to read through the newly published articles as well as previous articles that have been written by our incredible Educational Research in Mental Health department!




Our social media team made some awesome awareness posts this week! Including a

couple reasons why anxiety in America has been growing such as the continuation of

the pandemic, to increased mass shootings, and the possibility of an entirely new

pandemic with the rise of monkeypox around the world. Throughout these struggles

the American public feels as though authorities are not taking action to meet the

challenges that our country is facing. They also brought light to the segregation in

schools that is unfortunately still a reality in many places. Our latest post this week was

some helpful tips on how to cope with grief for anyone who may be dealing with it,

including seeking support from the people who care about you to plan a distraction

for yourself. Make sure to check out our instagram @brainwavepsych to find out more!


Written by: Joanne Kim, Daria Hernandez, Cadance Hughes, and Yasmeen Abunasrah 

Session 2 Week 2

August 1 - August 8

Introduction - (daria)

This week at Brainwave was very eventful! Our hard-working teams completed tasks and hosted many events, from Cadance’s Psych event to weekly podcast episode recording. This week, we are doing a deep dive into our Diversity and Inclusion team, interviewing interns, officers, and leaders within the group to show what the team is all about!


Psychology Activity Event - (Julia)


      This past Thursday we had the opportunity to take part in a Brainwave psychology activity event! Our own Cadance Hughes generously put together the whole night of fun. We deliberated on moral dilemmas and discussed our opinions on what to do in seemingly impossible situations. 

      A great example of these dilemmas was the classic trolley problem. In this scenario, a trolley is heading towards five people and they will be killed if the trolley hits them, but you have the power to divert the trolley to another track. One person is standing on the other track and they will be killed if you divert the trolley. So, would you choose to do nothing and let five people die or be responsible for sacrificing one person to save five people? 

      After contemplating different moral dilemmas, we played a Kahoot, testing our knowledge of different psychology facts and statistics. Overall, the activity workshop was an entertaining and educational experience!


















 QOTD/Inclusion Events- (Julia)


      What is a unique fruit you want to try? Here at Brainwave people wanted to try rambutan and cherimoya. Rambutans are native to Southeast Asia, while cherimoyas are native to South America. Jackfruit was even brought up as a fruit someone wants to try because of Lizzo’s jackfruit recipes! Our Diversity and Inclusion Department worked very hard this week coming up with creative questions, like this one, to serve as questions of the day. Other questions included what your favorite album is at the moment and whether you like pancakes, waffles, or French toast the most. Waffles came in with the most votes at the end of the day. We were able to learn a little bit more about each other based on our answers to these questions!





















Episode 9 Podcast Recap on Body Image - (daria)


In this week’s podcast, interns came together to discuss a highly prevalent issue: Body image. The discussion starts off with todays’ media, and how unrealistic standards are imposed by it, which can be especially detrimental to people of backgrounds that differ from Caucasians. Other points brought up were:

  • Females being looked down upon for having traditionally “masculine” features, such as having muscles.

  • Being skinny and assumptions about ED’s because of thinness

  • Hurtful body-focused comments on social media like TikTok

  • Influencers editing their features, harming people’s perception of themselves

  • Insecurities caused by media such as hip dips and stretch marks

  • School dress codes and the sexualization/double standard associated with them

These are just some of the controversial topics covered in this week’s podcast! Make sure to give Brain Talks a listen this week!   

























Deep Dive into Diversity and Inclusion

This week we are taking a deep dive into the Diversity and Inclusion department, yayyy! We will be looking into what this department does for Brainwave as well as some thoughts from our wonderful department members and interns.

First off, a little intro to Diversity and Inclusion. Diversity and Inclusion is a department at Brainwave that focuses on incorporating a diverse group of people at Brainwave. This includes hosting inclusion events that create opportunities to get to know each other better as well as making sure that everyone feels included! To get the ball rolling, our director of Diversity and Inclusion, Adelia will further explain what she does!

Adelia Fontes (She/Her) Diversity and Inclusion Director: “The diversity and inclusion department is all about incorporating a diverse group of people at Brainwave. Interviewing possible applicants creates a spectrum of what diversity at brainwave means and hosting inclusion events creates a connection/bond with other interns from other departments, making everyone at brainwave feel included. Our department is going very well, everyone has been getting along and contributing to the department.” 

Woahhh, this department seems to be doing some important work here at Brainwave. From the short time that I have been here I can definitely see that the inclusion events are a super good way to get to know interns from other departments that I don’t have much interaction with otherwise!

Nuha Khan (She/Her) Diversity and Inclusion Full-time Intern: “In diversity & inclusion, we work together as a team to host inclusion events! Our events range from activities like playing Among Us to having presentation nights. Recently, we had a movie marathon, where we watched both of The Incredibles movies! It's been going good so far - we have an amazing director and, although we have a small team, I really enjoy their presence. During our team meets, we always play a little Kahoot at the end as a 'team bonding' activity.” 

I definitely agree that our team members are what make or break our experience here at Brainwave and it seems liek the Diversity and Inclusion department is having an amazing time with team bonding activities!

Yasmeen Abunasrah (She/Her) Diversity and Inclusion Full-time Intern: “since brainwave is full of interns looking for service experience and/or interested in going into the psychology-based field, we like to have a little fun. As a department we come up with inclusion events for fellow interns to bring everyone together since its an extremely diverse environment with employees from around the country. Some events we hosted throughout our first year are Kahoot games, jeopardy, Pictionary, and among us games. Along with our games we also host laid back events where we just sit down and talk like mukbangs or even calming yoga thats not-so calming. At the end of the day, diversity and inclusion tries its hardest to make sure everyone feels welcome and included (hence the department name)!!” 

I can confidently say that the Diversity and Inclusion department has certainly made me feel welcome here as a summer intern with their events. The Kahoot game at the beginning of the session and the movie night were wonderful ways to bond with other department members!

Deveshi Sukhija (She/Her) Diversity and Inclusion Full-time Intern: “For D&I, we have meets where we plan inclusion events to provide unity throughout the company and to make sure everyone is enjoying their time at brainwave. In our weekly inclusion events we take a break from work and do things such as play games and watch movies to create a stress free environment! In D&I we also prepare presentations to share knowledge about what minorities experience in terms of mental health and also spreading awareness about months such as black history month, woman’s history month, and mental health awareness month.”

After seeing all the wonderful inclusion events the Diversity and Inclusion department has hosted throughout this second session, I can’t wait to attend an awareness presentation to see what amazing information they will be bringing us!

Taina Stuart (She/Her) Diversity and Inclusion Summer Intern: “My time here is going very well, I'm having a really fun time so far planning the inclusion events. It's really fun playing games and bonding with everyone across departments. QOTD is a fun way to do that as well! We were assigned to make a presentation on minority mental health, and I really learned a lot from that. It forced me to take a closer look at mental health in different minority communities, and seeing how different aspects overlapped. From that assignment, I also found a ton of resources for minorities struggling with their mental health. Overall, I feel like I'm learning a lot with a great group of people.”

The QOTD really is a great way to connect across departments and I’m enjoying the daily discussions that come from them. Make sure to check out our QOTD section on this blog to see what questions we had this week!

Shaila Lalani (She/Her) Diversity and Inclusion Summer Intern: “It is is so fun to be apart of the diversity and inclusions department. I feel like every meeting is just me getting to talk to my friends. Everyone is so kind and fun and we always have the best times at the inclusion events we plan. I have been having a great time with the department and I'm really grateful for my time here at brainwave!!” 

Awwww, I’m so glad that our summer interns have adjusted and are having a great time with their departments. This summer session at Brainwave will definitely be a lasting memory that we will forever be grateful for!


Instagram Posts

Brainwave’s Instagram page was very active this week! One of the topics it focused on was self-care and more specifically, how photography can act as a form of self-care. It is important to make sure you are prioritizing and taking care of yourself, so you can help others and be productive. Photography is a way to express yourself creatively and creativity is an excellent form of self-care. Additionally, another topic covered was how service dogs can help those suffering from PTSD. Some ways they can help include relieving anxiety, executing safety checks, and halting night terrors. The link to episode eight of the Brain Talks podcast and a brief synopsis of what was discussed was also posted. Furthermore, a Music Therapy Workshop was announced for August 11th at 7 PM EST and the link to the anniversary newsletter was posted. Make sure to check out our page, @brainwavepsych, for more content!

Session 2 Week 3

Week 04

August 7 - August 13

We have had another exciting week at Brainwave! We had a Diversity and Inclusion Minority Mental Health Presentation, took part in a Jeopardy inclusion event, and recorded another episode of our podcast, Brain Talks. Today we are going to share a little bit about these things and we are also going to take a little deep dive into the Social Media Department.


Diversity and Inclusion Minority Mental Health Presentation-


This week, our Diversity and Inclusion department gave a presentation on minority mental health. They gave background information on the percentage of mental disorders with regards to people of color that don't get the treatment they deserve, and let's just say it was quite a “not surprised but disappointed” moment. Some examples of issues minorities face are mental health being stigmatized and not spoken about in many minority communities. As a result, it can be difficult to receive treatment out of fear of judgment, or simply because they do not recognize the signs of mental illness within themselves. Another example they mentioned was language barriers as well. They gave examples of activists they looked up to and explained who they were. One person they mentioned was Bebe Moore Campbell who was an African American author, journalist, and mental health advocate for the Black Community. The reason she got into the mental health field was because her daughter suffered mental illness but denied the treatment because of her skin color. After the presentation, the interns brainstormed ideas on how to help raise awareness to help those that need it more than we do.


Deep Dive into Social Media- 


In this week’s Deep Dive, we are focusing on the Social Media Department! We will be taking an in depth look at how this department works to further Brainwave’s mission. This department works to create posts that will give Brainwave exposure. Some posts include reminders about upcoming events or links to podcast episodes or newsletters, while some posts are educational and include informative material on mental health topics. Teamwork is also a big part of this department, as the Social Media Team collaborates with the Graphic Design Team to  create posts. Now, let's see what members of the Social Media Team have to say about their department!

Virginia Minard (she/her), Director of Social Media: “The social media team at Brainwave works hard to create and post content for our Instagram and Tik Tok accounts. Our team focuses on cultivating content focused on current events and important information surrounding psychology and mental health. We also collaborate with the Graphic Design team members, who provide us with visually and intellectually stimulating graphics for our posts.”

I appreciate how thoughtfully the Social Media team curates their posts. In addition, the graphics enhance the understanding of the information written about in posts.

Amanda Sim (she/her), Social Media Team Member: “We work closely with the Graphic Design Team to discuss and create posts for Brainwave’s Instagram. As a team we work together to target our current social media platforms: Instagram and TikTok. We divide our roles by social media and place importance on working together and with others to create posts and grow Brainwave’s social media platforms.”

The key to this department definitely seems to be collaboration! With everyone working together, so many great posts are put out on both of Brainwave’s social media platforms.

Anjalee Dhanraj (she/her), Social Media Team Member: “The social media team is responsible for all of the exposure Brainwave gets. Every post and story is curated by the hardworking team. This team is so wonderful to work and collaborate with!”

It is great to see how hard everyone on this team works and how passionate they are about what they do. This team seems to work very well together and help each other out.

In conclusion, everyone working in the Social Media Department works their very hardest to produce content to disseminate important information about mental health and psychology. Teamwork, collaboration, and communication are key in their productivity as a department. We are so lucky to get to work with our wonderful Director of Social Media, Virginia Minard, and all of our Social Media Team Members. Their drive and diligence are truly appreciated here at Brainwave!




Our weekly BrainTalks podcast tackled the subject of how the media portrays mental

health.Our interns talked about a variety of subjects regarding their favorite influencers

and shows. A famous mention was Emma Chamberlain because of how relatable she is

to her young audience. Personally, I believe she's the literal blueprint of our generation

since literally most of our styles and trending clothing came from her…period. A show that

garnered quick attention about mental health was 13 Reasons Why, they spoke on how

thankful they were for the awareness but also discussed the downsides of the show.

They also mentioned how they use different forms of media such as music to help ease

out their thoughts when going through a tough time. Make sure to tune in this week, we’d

love to have you!


Instagram Posts-


Our Instagram page, Brainwavepsych, 

made very informative posts about the mental 

health world. Most notably was the post about

congress passing the mental health bill. Student 

mental health awareness has been rising even 

more so since the pandemic. While there are 421 

representatives in the house, 405 voted in favor 

of the bill to create a proper mental health support 

system. Other posts this week pertained to the 

education gap among students of color. The post 

discussed social disparities among students of color 

such as the "achievement gap" and its worsening since 

COVID-19. There were also posts discussing how to 

put an end to summertime sadness and five main 

personality types.


















Written By: Julia McDonagh, Ria Bonoan, and Yasmeen Abunasrah

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Session 2 Week 4

Week 05

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August 14 - August 21


We've had yet another eventful week at Brainwave! This week many of our summer interns presented their team-building projects on Minority Mental Health. They discussed topics such as how mental health affects Black and Latino Americans. We learned how many POC households undergo the same stigma against mental health and how much harder it is for them to receive proper care. Sally from the Webinar Department also held a workshop on Music Therapy! She discussed the benefits of listening to music, the different types of musical therapy, and some of its oldest practices. We had another workshop on Bias and a podcast recording hosted by Yasmeen. Yasmeen led the discussion of "Does Money Really Buy Happiness?" Several of our Brainwave members joined the heated debate and shared their personal opinions. The company meeting this week also reminded everyone of their responsibilities and the department team project due next week. We can't wait to see everyone's work!


Deep Dive into Graphic Design

On this week’s Deep Dive we have the Graphic Design Team, yayyyy! We will be going deeper into some of the awesome work that this department does for Brainwave as well as get some thoughts on how this session is going from the interns. 

First, a little intro to what they do! The Graphic Design Department at Brainwave creates graphics and stories for the Instagram page. Alongside this, they also create podcast cover, as well as webinar and workshop ads. We really appreciate all the hard work they put in to design these amazing graphics. Now we’ll get to hear a little bit about how it’s going from a lovely summer intern!

  Naomi Huang (she/her) Graphic Design Summer Intern: “I really like being on the graphic design team! Working with the social media department has been going really well and it's fun to be able to design graphics for the brainwave instagram :)” We love all the aesthetically pleasing instagram posts that the interns design. It’s also really cool that they get to work closely with the social media team to bring such wonderful designs to us!



We had a workshop on music therapy this week! Favorite artists were discussed

and also what relaxing songs we like to listen to in the morning. We learned a lot

from this workshop, specifically about active and receptive music therapy. Active

music therapy is when a person is playing an instrument or singing, but receptive

music therapy is when a person is listening to music. Both of these methods can

be incredibly beneficial in reducing stress. Listening to and playing music can be

excellent coping methods. Music therapy is used in many different cases,

including for those suffering from trauma or depression. After we learned an

abundance of information on this topic, we did a Kahoot to test our knowledge!


Podcast Recording

The topic of this week’s Brain Talks episode was about whether money can really buy happiness.

We had in depth conversations about our own experiences with money and happiness. We debated

whether things we buy make us happy in the long-term or only in the short-term. In addition, we

discussed how spending money can make one feel guilty and the importance of saving money. The

differences between materialism and minimalism were talked about, and there was even a discussion

on tiny homes. “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” was a suggested show to watch on how to best keep only t

he things you need. During this conversation, we talked about going through our things, specifically about

how we have difficulty parting with things we don’t need and that sometimes we find things we had bought

and never even used. Make sure to listen to this episode, which takes a very interesting look into this

multidimensional topic!


Summer Intern Team Building Project Presentations

This week we had the opportunity to watch different groups of summer

interns make their presentations that they worked together on. These

presentations were each about minorities and mental health, which is

Brainwave’s main focus this month. Each group had a different minority

group that they presented on. The minority communities that were

focused on were Black, Latinx, AAPI, and Native American communities.

A main talking point in each of these presentations was that we need to

normalize mental health concerns and increase access to mental

healthcare. In addition to prompting important conversations about

minorities and mental health, this project allowed summer interns to

team build. We were able to work with interns from other departments,

who may not have otherwise had the opportunity to get to know. All in all, this project served multiple important purposes.


Instagram Post

This week’s Instagram posts were next level! Starting off the week, we had

a sweet reminder about our minority mental health presentations that took

place this week. We moved on to find out how taking our time makes a

difference, even in our biology. Do you like listening to music? Well if you do

this next one's for you! We had an interesting post about the positive and

negative psychological effects of music. As we approached the middle of

the week, our social media team gave us some lovely self love tips which

include being kind to yourself, forgiving yourself, and many more! Finishing

it off, we had a quote from Hippocrates that reminds us that “nature itself is

the best physician.” Be sure to check out our instagram @brainwavepsych to

keep up with these wonderful posts!

Session 2 Week 5

End of Session 2

Webinars and Workshops

We have had the opportunity to listen to and take part in so many wonderful webinars and workshops this session! I’d like to give a huge shoutout to our Webinar Management Department. It is because of their hard work that we have been able to learn so much from these events. Since it’s the end of the session, we are going to give a little recap on all of the webinars and workshops we have had!

Correctional Psychologist Webinar: 

The first webinar we had to kick off the session was one with Christopher Morley, a

correctional psychologist. He enlightened us on what he does, his experiences in his

profession, and things he would like to share with others that he has learned through

his work. Mr. Morley really believes in the idea that although criminals may not be able

to go back in time and change their past, they have the control to make different

choices in the future. We were also able to learn about the evolution of correctional

practices and what they are like today. Finally, he shared his knowledge on community

corrections and how it works to decrease recidivism.

Sleep Workshop: 

         Arya led a workshop, one of the first of the session, all about sleep. She

spoke about how essential sleep is and how without it, we would not be able

to perform the functions we need to in order to survive. Details on the sleep

cycle, specifically REM sleep were explained, and the dangers of not sleeping

enough and oversleeping were laid out. At the end, we were even able to share

a little bit about some of the strangest dreams we have had and let me say, some

of them were very unexpected!


Psychology Activity Event: 

Cadance hosted an incredibly fun and educational psychology activity event! We contemplated

and debated moral dilemmas, such as the Trolley Problem. In the Trolley Problem, you must

decide whether you would rather sacrifice one to save many and it be your fault or let fate take

its course and let a group of people die. Competing in the Kahoot at the end was a perfect way

to end off the night and learn a few new fun facts. This was a great way to get to know a little bit

more about each other and how our minds work and put our knowledge to the test while still

having a fun time.

Psychology of Bias Workshop: 

            Heidi hosted another workshop we had this session, which was on the topic of bias

and the psychology behind it. She went over what bias actually is and how it affects the

decisions we make daily. We even learned about a study that surveyed how people feel

about misinformation and bias on the internet related to politics. Many believe that

technology allows people to be manipulated and that the internet has led to more division.

However, some reported that they trusted political news from social media, which can be

a dangerous thing. We saw just how easily we can be fooled by misinformation when we

participated in Fakey! To conclude the workshop, Heidi gave us some tips to avoid being

fooled, such as doing your own research.

Music Therapy Workshop: 

Sally led a very interesting workshop on music therapy! She talked about the different kinds of music therapy, which are active and receptive. Additionally, we learned about the benefits to playing and listening to music and how music therapy can be used to help people with different conditions. Participation was a big part of this workshop, as we were able to discuss some of our favorite music and play Kahoot!


Neurotech and Psychology Webinar: 

              The second and final webinar of the session was one on neurotechnology and psychology. We heard from Ryan Landau, a professional in the field, about his experiences. He discussed how he integrates psychological techniques for NeuroEmpowerment™, using neurofeedback sessions. His program is designed to quiet pain and the mind, help you sleep better, and allow you to make peace with concerns you have over your past. One of the main points he talked about was how the mind and body influence each other, even though they are separate entities. Our thoughts and feelings have an impact on our physiology and vice versa. This webinar was very interesting, especially for those interested in pursuing a career in this field!

Department Progress This Session

Check out what our departments are working on by visiting our-

Website - Brainwave 

Instagram - @brainwavepsych Brainwave Teen Psychology (@brainwavepsych)

Spotify - BrainTalks 

Linkedin - Brainwave Teen Psychology 

Social Media- This session Social Media has been focused on spreading information about mental health issues as well as spreading information about upcoming events at Brainwave. Our webinars, workshops, and podcast episodes are all added to our instagram so that our followers can stay as updated as possible with what we are working on here at Brainwave!

Graphic Design- The Graphic design team handles everything that goes on our instagram, as well as what our podcast covers look like. The team works on a schedule basis and this session mainly uses Canva. As the new sessions arrive, the director, Ceciline, is planning on holding mentoring sessions on using platforms in order to improve graphics made on applications such as Canva.

Communications- The Communications team has been able to come a long way in the past few months. The team has been working on weekly Blog Posts, which will shortly be added to our website, as well as our podcast episodes. Our Blog Posts have all the information you need to know about Brainwave in the week prior, just in case you missed something and want to keep up with all we have to offer. Our new programs such as college prep are detailed in these posts and we also introduced a “Spotlight” which focuses on a new department every week and talks about everything that the team is working on at the moment. The Braintalks Podcast is officially on Spotify and the episodes are released every Tuesday. Keep an eye out for our next episode!

Educational Research In Mental Health- This session, ERMH mainly has been working on articles and each intern makes three articles per session. Along with the articles, they also work on a long-term research project - this session's project was called, "Surroundings Research Project." Each day, all interns had to take a picture of something that made them happy, then write about it. Currently, a group of five interns are writing a research paper on it, called "The Effect of Photography on Happiness".

Diversity and Inclusion- Diversity and Inclusion has been at Brainwave for a shorter amount of time than other departments but nonetheless, it is sad to see them leave Brainwave again for the upcoming fall session. Although we will not be having a Diversity and Inclusion department, we will be introducing electives which will be optional for interns and it is a way to engage with Brainwave in other ways such as writing a feature on a Communications Blog Post (like this post!), hosting an inclusion event, and many more. This session the department has hosted numerous inclusion events such as jeopardy, a movie marathon, and gartic phone! As we say goodbye to the department, we are excited to have our very own Yasmeen Abunasrah as the new Director of Electives!

Webinar Management- Throughout Session 2, Webinar Management has been contacting professionals to be guest speakers at Brainwave. Brainwave was able to host a webinar with Ryan Landau who is a licensed mental health counselor with expertise in neuroscience, psychology, and mind-body health/wellness. Additionally, interns have created informational workshops on various mental health and psychology topics along with an activity or discussion to go along. The topics that interns chose were “The Psychology of Bias”, “Sleep and the Brain”, and “Music Therapy”. These will be uploaded to the website as well! 

Session Feedback


“ I loved being able to spend the summer as an intern at Brainwave and am so thankful for all the wonderful people that made it possible! As part of the communications team I was able to be a part of a podcast for the first time and it was such an amazing experience that I am grateful I was able to have :)” -Joanne Kim

Diversity and Inclusion

“I really loved my time at Brainwave and getting to know so many new people! I will definitely miss our inclusion events every week and my time with my department members! I’m so grateful for this opportunity and I will miss it so much <3” -Shaila Lalani

“Many people see work as a chore, but I’ve never felt that here. That’s because I get to do work that I enjoy with people I enjoy working with. Through the assignments I was given, I have learned valuable research skills that I will take with me. The staff always make sure that this is a fun and comfortable environment for everyone, and I have really felt that in my time here. I am also very appreciative of the many opportunities to take advantage of, like the free college prep program. One of my goals as a summer intern was to learn more about psychology and mental health to determine if this was something I could see myself doing in the future, as I am a rising senior who will be applying for college soon. I have learned enough here through webinars, articles, and projects to successfully say that I can definitely see myself in that field. I will miss everyone at brainwave and am thankful for my time here <3” -Taina S

Educational Research in Mental Health


“Was a fun, intellectual invigorating a experience that taught me a lot of how the mind works” -Marcos Moran

“Brainwave is not just an internship or a workplace. It’s a family. Throughout my time here at brainwave, I’ve met so many amazing people who are all unique in their own way. I’ve learned a lot from them during this internship. The ERMH department allows us full freedom about the articles we write and I really think that’s amazing because we get to write what’s interesting to us. Overall, I loved working at Brainwave and am planning to return in the winter session.” -Lalita 

Graphic Design

“My time at Brainwave has been nothing but positive! It is such a welcoming, healthy, and fun community. I’m never overwhelmed with work and I never dislike doing it. This is such a fun volunteer organization that is doing good for the community, and a 10/10 experience.”-Anjalee Dhanraj

Webinar Management

“I had a great time at Brainwave! This experience was great and I had the opportunity to meet a lot of great people!”- Sally Nyugen

““Brainwave was outstanding on many fronts, but what I wasn’t anticipating was how it had created an online community that felt like a new group of friends. As we all know, being online can sometimes be difficult (in terms of being connected) but the head admin made the interns feel included in the whole process!” -Heidi Manes



College Prep Program

The College Prep Program is Brainwave's newest program which is designed for rising juniors and seniors. It is designed to provide professional consulting to high school students, so that they are more prepared for college. Since the pressure of college is starting to hit them, we will pair them with a college counselor who will have weekly meetings with them where students can expect to receive advice on college admissions, time management, stress management, and much more! We currently have three counselors, and we are hoping to hire more as the program expands. In September the program will be available to the general public and we have begun advertising with the help of our graphic design and social media team!

Summer Intern Presentations

           At Brainwave we had the opportunity to watch different groups of summer interns make their presentations that they worked together on. These presentations were each about minorities and mental health, which is Brainwave’s main focus this month. Each group had a different minority group that they presented on. The minority communities that were focused on were Black, Latinx, AAPI, and Native American communities. A main talking point in each of these presentations was that we need to normalize mental health concerns and increase access to mental healthcare. In addition to prompting important conversations about minorities and mental health, this project allowed summer interns to team build. We were able to work with interns from other departments, who may not have otherwise had the opportunity to get to know. All in all, this project served multiple important purposes.

End Of Session Presentations

Brainwave had an end of session series of presentations where we discussed minorities in mental health to a further extent. In this presentation, each department worked on a slide presentation that included how 2 specific mental illnesses affected different minority groups. These presentations included research from clinical trials, statistics, as well as responses to a video on how clinical trials have been shown to neglect minorities in the past. These presentations focused on different mental health disorders such as pica, PTSD, depression, substance abuse, and more. Our Head Administration also participated in our project, giving us a thoughtful presentation on how in clinical trials, minorities are often overlooked and not accounted for. In addition to our presentations, at the end of each department’s project, we had discussion questions to fuel interaction between our departments as well as an overall sense of understanding as a way to conclude the presentation.

Webinar management: Our webinar department got together to present their take on the importance of minority healthcare. They spoke about clinical trials and the minimal participation throughout them. They stated that according to recent research, about 30% of participants in clinical trials funded by the National Institutes of Health are people of color (NIH). Currently, 15% of minority participants are African Americans. Black transgender women frequently face the greatest socioeconomic disadvantages when it comes to access to healthcare. Due to the severe prejudice they face and the fact that they are frequently the targets of killings, Black transgender women have declining mental health. Intellectual functioning is impacted by issues with general mental abilities that are associated with intellectual impairment (such as learning, problem-solving, and judgment).

Social Media: The presentation from the social media section focused on prejudice against Black and Hispanic people who have ADHD and autism. They also talked about potential course of action and the impact of archives on this discrimination.

Diversity and Inclusion: This department, and not to flatter myself and be bias, but my favorite department, focused on bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. For both disorders, they discussed the stats (for example GAD affects 6.8 million adults in the U.S., but only 43% of those adults are receiving treatment) and treatment (Native/Indigenous people with anxiety disorders are more likely to seek help from a spiritual or traditional healer than medical sources) for both. As well as give articles, summaries for each one, and important findings they found from each one. 

Head Administration: I'm pretty sure all of our interns had the same reaction to this one…FINALLY, head admin is obviously doing/a presentation. But, to summarize they focused on PTSD and PICA for their department presentation. For both disorders they talked about at least two minority groups, treatments, and what we can do to help these causes. They stated that according to a recent Northwestern Medicine study that focused on the South Side area of Oakland, 29% of the study's 72 African-American participants have the disease, while another 7% showed a significant number of symptoms consistent with PTSD. They also gave at least two article summaries that gave feedback on the disorders on the minority groups they were looking at. 

Interns presentation: 

Due to the diverse community Brainwave provides, our session interns had the opportunity to find others that had the same nationality as them and the opportunity to create a presentation just about their ethnic groups. This not only gave them the opportunity to meet new people, but also gave them the ability to research more about their groups to learn things that they didnt know before: 

Native Americans: They discussed the difficulties faced by Native Americans in dealing with mental health concerns in the community. Given the long distances they must travel and the frequent lack of funds, many Indigenous tribe members seek spiritual healers inside their own communities as opposed to seeking professional care and assistance. This is concerning because, among minorities, Native Americans have the greatest prevalence of mental health problems in youth, including depression and suicide. This is because of their previous trauma, which involved being uprooted. Additionally, how these Native Americans continue to make efforts to resurrect their customs and faiths.

Black Americans: In the group presentation on Black Americans, issues from the past and the present were covered in relation to Black Americans and mental health care. The talk covered some of the earliest legal restrictions on psychiatry and psychology, dating back to Jim Crow. With the advent of Jim Crow came propaganda and prejudice based on altered diagnostic rates for Black Americans, giving a false stereotype of the IQ and mannerisms of the ethnic minority. The discussion of the Affordable Care Act and the systemic problems that have caused a gap in the coverage of health care was then quickly moved forward in the presentation. The presentation helped people realize how pervasive racism and intolerance are in the United States today.

Latin Americans: This group of interns discussed mental health in Latino populations. We looked into how Latinos' ethnic and cultural backgrounds may impact their mental health. We gathered data on typical mental health issues, typical treatment impediments, how family influences mental health, and how stereotypes contribute to mental health problems. I gained a lot of knowledge for this project from my research as well as from interacting and cooperating with other interns.

AAPI: Our interns were able to discuss media representation, the model minority myth, and cultural misrepresentation for the AAPI Presentation. For two key reasons, they believed it was a terrific approach for them to hear from many AAPI persons. Through their research they were able to recognize how similar their lives were, for one. They conducted a great deal of research for their discussion of the model minority myth, which was motivated by their personal experiences with it. Therefore, it was really intriguing to hear other participants in the debate explain their own experiences. They also continued to discuss personal experiences of their own with regards to their topic.

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Session 1 Week 4
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